Friday, September 2, 2011

The Black God's War with Moses Siregar III

The Black God's War [A Stand-Alone Novel] (Splendor and Ruin, Book I)
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Against the backdrop of epic warfare and the powers of ten mysterious gods, Lucia struggles to understand The Black One.

Her father-king wants war.

Her messianic brother wants peace.

The black god wants his due.

She suffers all the consequences.

King Vieri is losing his war against the lands of Pawelon. Feeling abandoned by his god, he forces his son Caio, the kingdom’s holy savior, to lead his army. Victory ought to come soon.

To counter Caio’s powers, Pawelon’s prince enters the conflict. Rao is a gifted sage, a master of spiritual laws. He joins the rajah to defend their citadel against the invaders. But Rao’s ideals soon clash with his army’s general.

The Black One tortures Lucia nightly with visions promising another ten years of bloodshed. She can no longer tell the difference between the waking world and her nightmares. Lucia knows the black god too well. He entered her bed and dreams when she was ten.

The Black One watches, waiting to see Lucia confront an impossible decision over the fates of two men—and two lands.

Interview with Moses Siregar III 

What will readers like about your book? 
I'll tell you what my early readers have said they liked. They've told me it has a satisfying ending, good pacing, interesting worldbuilding, characters with depth, and a complex plot. Of course, they're all pathological liars.

Why did you self publish? 
Hey, could you not ask that? That question really strikes a nerve. Seriously though, I lost a bet.

What is your writing process? 
Mainly, I need loud music. After that, lots of time.

How long does it take you to write your first draft? 
This one took me a little more than three months. The first draft was around 115,000 words. The final version is around 121,000 words.

What inspired you to write this particular story? 
Homer's Iliad and a cartoon series I watched when I was a kid, called Robotech.

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