Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Vampyre Kisses - Elizabeth J Kolodziej

Vampyre Kisses is an enthralling story about a young woman named Faith, who was content with her life, but deep down craved more excitement. Then a mysterious man named Trent enters her life and everything changes. Surprising to Faith, Trent is a green-eyed vampire from Ireland. She is even more surprised to find out that she is a witch, and the last of her kind.
Faith finds out that she is destined to restore her witch line and becomes more powerful as she gains confidence and knowledge, but danger lurks everywhere. Especially when unknown assailants steal the most important gems from the vampire master and werewolf royalty.
Now surrounded by a world full of mystifying vampires and werewolves, can Faith gain enough power to help her friends and rescue the stolen gems?

Elizabeth J Kolodziej, a young fiction writer originally from Torrance California, is a smart and original thinker who has researched the origins of vampires, werewolves, and witches for many years. She writes her books from the knowledge she has gained while trying to be as original and inspiring as possible. Her books encompass both true folklore facts along with innovative ideas motivated by the great writers around her. This book is her first, but not her last, in a new series entitled Vampyre Kisses.

What will readers like about your book?

I believe readers tend to like the mix of greek mythology with the vampire lore. On top of that there is the love story between a vampire and a witch.

Why did you self publish?

I like to have control of everything happening with my books. I love being able to decide what the cover will look like and what the price will be. It is truly just that much fun for me.

Who are your favorite authors in your genre?

Kim Harrison and Jeaniene Frost but the author that inspired me to write is Tamora Pierce


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