Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Barbary Point by Alan Nayes

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Kelly English flies back to Oshkosh, Wisconsin to close out her father’s estate. She recalls very little of her father because her parents were divorced when she was a very young child.

Kelly is twenty-eight and engaged to be married to an older man who is quite wealthy. She’s happy, and only desires to make the trip back brief, sell her deceased father’s place, and return to her stable life in Los Angeles.

While taking care of business in Oshkosh, however, she meets a fishing guide and falls in love.

BARBARY POINT is Kelly’s story of what happened that one magical week in May on the shores of Lake Winnebago when the “ducklings hatch and the walleye run.” 



Mother always reminded me, “Kelly, love from the mind is nothing more than a pleasurable arrangement, whereas love from the heart lasts forever.”

I had listened to these same exact words beginning in junior high, again in high school, and throughout college. And it always worried me I might not be able to tell the difference.

A man I deeply loved once told me that a fish lunges after an artificial lure solely on instinct. He sees it, wants it, and zappo, he‘s hooked. Love is a lot like that. You see someone you want, the chemistry is there, and zappo, you’re hooked.

About Alan Nayes 

Alan Nayes was born in Houston and grew up on the Texas gulf coast. After attending medical school at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, he moved to Southern California where he divides his time and energies between medicine and writing. He is the author of the critically-acclaimed biomedical thrillers, GARGOYLES and THE UNNATURAL. His most recent release is BARBARY POINT, a love story.

An avid outdoorsman and fitness enthusiast, he is one of only a few individuals to ever swim across Wisconsin’s chilly Lake Winnebago. When not working on his next project, he enjoys relaxing and fishing at the family vacation home in Wisconsin.
Interview with Alan Nayes

N.L. Earnshaw: What will readers like about your book? 

Alan Nayes: I believe the characters are the story’s strongest assets, though there are a few plot twists which will not be expected. BARBARY POINT is an easy read and will tug at the readers emotions. Only a “robot” would not experience some feeling for what happened on Lake Winnebago that spring.

N.L. Earnshaw: Why did you self publish? 

Alan Nayes: I’ve done the conventional route—agent, book contracts (Tot/Forge), major publisher—so wanted to try doing a story on my own. Guess what—it’s harder than I thought.

N.L. Earnshaw: What is your writing process? 

Alan Nayes: It’s a cliché, but word by word, line by line. I have to force myself some days to sit down and put words to paper. But once I know where the story is going, the writing becomes easier. Still, it’s never as easy as I would like.

N.L. Earnshaw: How long does it take you to write your first draft? 

Alan Nayes: Because I have a day job, it usually takes any where from six months to a year to crank out a first draft. I know—that’s slow.

N.L. Earnshaw: What inspired you to write this particular story? 

Alan Nayes: I’m quite familiar with the setting—my family owns a cottage on the shors of Lake Winnebago and I always thought this locale would be a great place for a love story. Or if no love, at least catch a fish or two!

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