Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Degenerates - Neil Ostroff

An alcoholic writer, a self-destructive nymphomaniac teen, an elderly waitress, an abused young wife, a good-natured chef, a savage serial killer, and a tormented cop. Each uses cunning, instinct, and unscrupulous ambition to move beyond their stations in life. Their paths merge at a restaurant named City Café, here new friendships form and relationships blossom. Until Tommy Fielding is hired. Tommy is a psychopath with a sordid history and a deteriorating mind. What happens next places the group in grave danger and leads them into a horror that will unalterably change everything about their lives.

My name is Neil Ostroff. I am a prolific author of noir thrillers and middle grade sci/fi. I graduated from Elmira College with a degree in Psychology and a minor in Philosophy/Critical Thinking. Briefly, I wrote psychological evaluations for the Elmira, NY courts. I was raised in a rural town outside of Philadelphia and have been a published author for more than twenty years. My science fiction and fantasy stories have appeared in numerous presses, zines, and websites. I have several published novels available at all online booksellers under the name N.D. Ostroff or at http://www.Neilostroff.com. I am an avid boater, gardener, and poker player when not working on my novels.

What will readers like about your story?

If readers like unusual plotlines and strange twists they will love my books. If you took Steven King and mixed his style with Brett Easton Ellis and Cormac McCarthy you'd get a slight idea of how noir my books are.

Why did you choose to self publish?

I self-published because I was tired of trying to get my books into the mainstream. I did have a big-time NY agent at FinePrint lit for several years but never had a sale.

What are your favorite authors in your genre?

My favorite authors are anyone who writes outside the commercial mainstream.

Authors Den
The rest of my books can be purchased through: Official website of Author Neil D. Ostroff

Amazon Paperback


  1. I like the way your books sound! I will have to check them out.

  2. I read Degenerates and I could not put it down. The author really keeps you at the edge of your seat wondering what is going to happen next. Looking forward to reading the next one!
